Плочи от «Балкантон»
Виртуална клавиатура
Форматиране на текста
1. The city - music written and arr. by Antony Donchev - 8'37"
2. Samba-Ruchenitsa - music by Darin Burnev, arr. by Yildiz Ibrahimova and Ognyan Videv - 4'22"
3. Dilmano Dilbero (Improvisation on the folk song) - music by Yildiz Ibrahimova - 3'54"
4. Riffs - music by Radi Kazakov, arr. by Yildiz Ibrahimova and Ognyan Videv - 8'29"
5. Illusory eternity - music written and arr. by Yildiz Ibrahimova - 3'20"
6. Peasant dance (Improvisation on Milcho Leviev`s music) - music by Yildiz Ibrahimova - 5'27"
7. Radiance - music written and arr. by Hristo Yotsov - 7'24
8. On the road to the sunshine - music by Yildiz Ibrahimova, arr. by Acoustic Version - 10'45"
9. Someone to watch over me - music by George Gershwin, arr. by Antony Donchev - 3'31"

Total: 56'19"

The programme also features Ognyan Videv - guitar, the Acoustic Version are: Antony Donchev - keyboards, Hristi Yotsov - percussions, Georgi Donchev - bass

плоча ВТА 12633