Плочи от «Балкантон»
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4 участника имат този албум
melodist / 2018-07-09 00:34:34
Songs by A. Gretchaninov
Night Voices ; Don't Ask Why ; In the Dark Copse ; Scarcely Had I Heard the Song ; A Sharp Axe ; In Light Slumber ; A Little Flower ; Like a Supernal Angel ; Nightmare ; A Cuckoo ; I Do not Know ; I Dreamt...; Grim and Evil ; Autumn Motifs ;

I Bless You Woods / Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky. Doubts / Michail Glinka. The Old Corporal / Alexanndre S. Dargomizhsky. Obrochnik / Sergey V. Rachmaninov. Day of Insults / Dmitry Shostakovich. Trepak ; Serenade ; The Flea / Modest P. Mussorgsky

Irina Shtiglich - piano (1,2,4,6,7,8,13) ; Ivan Drenikov - piano (3,5,9,11,12,14) ; Theodor Mousev - piano (15—22)
melodist / 2018-07-09 00:35:40 / Редакция № 4: 2020-04-19 15:07:59
melodist / 2018-07-09 00:42:07
ADD 040099
The songs of the Russian composer Alexander Tikhonovich Gretchaninov were recorded for the first time by the famous bass BORIS CHRISTOFF. (So far this is their one and only recording in the world.) Once again these songs enrich the pattern of our emotions. They take us out of the everyday brutality to retrieve those higher feelings that link us to eternity, perfection and infinity. Boris Christoff's noble voice and interpretation remind us that we were bom on earth and lend us wings to fly over the tree tops of golden leaves, along the deep rivers and the deserted steppes through the fading light of sunsets. It is through Gretchaninov’s music and the words of famous poets that we feel as if we are not material and turn into a praying whisper, in morning dew, in sighs, or peals of bells. Such transformations of the human spirit are possible only in the works of a genius.
Each one of the great Russian composers of the 19th century has given his contribution to the flourishing of the romantic style in vocal music. The romances selected by NICOLA GHIUSELEV (who also included works by 20th century composers) are a valuable document of the singer’s bright and vivid vocal performance. This seems to be one of the culmination points in the brilliant career of the artist who never stops widening his stylistic preferences and in this way enriches his repertoire in terms of both genre and style.
melodist / 2018-07-09 00:42:14 / Редакция № 1: 2022-08-03 19:03:41
Песни от Александър Гречанинов:
1. Нощни гласове 3.11
2. Не питай защо 2.17
3. В тъмната горичка 3.16
4. Едва да чуя песента 1.57
5. Остра секира 2.10
6. В полусън 2.12
7. Цветенце 2.59
8. Като ангел небесен 1.34
9. Кошмар 2.45
10. Кукувичка 2.14
11. Не знам 2.26
12. Присъни ми се 2.42
13. Мрачен и зъл 1.39
14. Есенни молитви 2.00
Борис Христов - бас
Съпр. на пиано Ирина Щиглич (1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13), Иван Дреников (3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14)

15. Благославям ви гори (Пьотр Илич Чайковски) 4.27
16. Съмнение (Михаил Глинка) 4.20
17. Старият капрал (Ал. Даргомижски) 4.51
18. Оброчник (С. Рахманинов) 5.03
19. Ден на обидите (Дм. Шостакович) 3.50
20. Трепак (М. Мусоргски) 5.40
21. Серенада (М. Мусоргски) 5.10
22. Бълхата (М. Мусоргски) 3.25
Никола Гюзелев - бас
Съпр. на пиано Теодор Мусев

Тотал: 71:36
melodist / 2022-08-03 19:01:44
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