Плочи от «Балкантон»
Виртуална клавиатура
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3 участника имат този албум
melodist / 2018-07-08 23:33:34 / Редакция № 2: 2025-01-31 23:27:25
1. Трите пъти (муз. Костадин Варимезов) - Костадин Варимезов - гайда (Странджа), съпр. орк., дир. Костадин Варимезов (2.17)
2. Сворната хоро - Стефан Захманов - гайда (Родопи) (3.37)
3. Марковска песен и Граовската (обр. Боян Нанков) - Никола Атанасов - гайда (Средна западна България), съпр. ОАНПБНР, дир. Димитър Лавчев (4.37)
4. Калиманку, Денку и Еркечко хоро (обр. Стефан Кънев) - Михаил Маринов - гъдулка, съпр. орк. на АНПБР, дир. Добрин Панайотов (4.30)
5. Мъжко хоро (обр. Коста Колев) - Стоян Величков - кавал (Тракия), съпр. орк., дир. Коста Колев (2.40)
6. Право пловдивско хоро (м. Теодосий Спасов) - Теодосий Спасов - кавал (Тракия) с "Бели, зелени, червени", дир. Стефан Мустафчиев (3.46)
7. Грънчарско хоро (обр. Емил Колев) - Румен Сираков - тамбура (Средна западна България), съпр. орк., дир. Емил Колев (2.46)
8. Бавна песен и Бръчмалийско хоро - Добруджанската тройка: Стефан Георгиев - хармоника, Петко Желязков - гъдулка, Желяз Димов - гайда (Добруджа) (4.42)
9. Криво хоро - Румен Сираков - тамбура, Стоян Величков - кавал, Михаил Маринов - гъдулка, Петър Цамбов - тъпан, Костадин Варимезов - гайда (Тракия) (3.03)
10. Пазарджишка копаница - Румен Сираков - тамбура, Стоян Величков - кавал, Михаил Маринов - гъдулка, Костадин Варимезов - гайду, Петър Цамбов - тъпан (Тракия) (2.42)
11. Ивайловско хоро (обр. Димитър Трифонов) - Иво Папазов - кларинет, Петър Ралчев - акордеон, Трифон Трифонов - саксофон (Тракия), съпр. орк., дир. Димитър Трифонов (3.46)
12. Огражденско хоро (обр. Димитър Пенев) - Трайчо Синапов - акордеон (Пирин), съпр. орк., дир. Димитър Пенев (4.39)
13. Концертно хоро (м. Петър Ралчев) - Петър Ралчев - акордеон (Тракия), съпр. орк., дир. Димитър Трифонов (2.40)
14. Бучиимиш (обр. Христофор Раданов) - Трайчо Синапов - акордеон, Димитър Пасков - кларнет (Средна западна България) (2.13)
15. Яворово хоро (обр. Васил Първанов) - оркестър "Хоро" с рък. Васил Първанов (Средна Северна България), дир. Васил Първанов (2.21)
16. Кърджалийска ръченица (обр. Димитър Трифонов) - оркестър "Тракия" с рък. Иво Папазов (Тракия), дир. Димитър Трифонов (5.07)
17. Въртележка (обр. Анастас Наумов) - оркестър на АНПБТР (Северозападна България), дир. Боян Нанков (2.15)
melodist / 2024-03-01 19:35:37 / Редакция № 3: 2025-01-31 23:27:36
1. Trite Pati - perf. by Kostadin Varimezov - bagpipe (Strandzha), music written and cond. by Kostadin Varimezov, acc. by an orchestra.. .2'17"
2. Svornato Horo - perf. by Stefan Zahmanov - bagpipe (the Rhodope Mountains)... 3'37"
3. Markovska Pesen and Graovskata — perf. by Nikola Atanasov — bagpipe (Mid-Western Bulgaria), arr. by Boyan Nankov, acc. by Orchestra with the Bulgarian Television and Radio Folk Song Ensemble, cond. by Dimiter Lavchev... 4'37"
4. Kalimanku Denku and Erkechko Horo - perf. by Mihail Marinov — gadulka (Strandzha), arr. by Stefan Kunev, acc. by Orchestra with the Bulgarian Television and Radio Folk Song Ensemble, cond. by Dobrin Panayotov. ..4'30"
5. Men's Horo - perf. by Stoyan Velichkov - kaval (Thrace), arr. and cond. by Kosta Kolev, acc. by an orchestra. .. 240"
6. Pravo Plovdivsko Horo - perf. by Theodosii Spassov - kaval (Thrace) and "White", Green and Red , music by Theodosii Spassov, cond. by Stefan Moutafchiev. .. 3'46"
7. Potter's Horo - perf. by Roumen Sirakov - tambura (Mid-Western Bulgaria), arr. and cond. by Emil Kolev, acc. by an orchestra... 2'46"
8. Slow Song and Bruchmaliisko Horo - perf. by the Dobroudzhanska Troika: Stefan Georgiev - concertina, Petko Zhelyazkov - gadulka and Zhelyaz Dimov - bagpipe (Dobroudzha). .. 4'42"
9. Krivo Horo - perf. by Roumen Sirakov - tambura, Stoyan Velichkov - kaval, Mihail Marinov - gadulka, Kostadin Varimezov - bagpipe and Peter Tsambov - tupan (big drum) (Thrace)... 3'0З"
10. Pazardzhishka Kopanitsa - perf. by Roumen Sirakov - tambura, Stoyan Velichkov - kaval, Mihail Marinov - gadulka, Kostadin Varimezov - bagpipe and Peter Tsambov - tupan (big drum) (Thrace)... 2'42"
11. Ivailovsko Horo - perf. by Ivo Papazov clarinet, Peter Ralchev - accordion, and Trifon Trifonov - saxophone (Thrace), arr. and cond. by Dimiter Trifonov, acc. by an orchestra. .. 3'46"
12. Ograzhdensko Horo - perf. by Traicho Sinapov - accordion (the
13. Concerto Horo - perf. by Peter Ralchev - accordion (Thrace), music by Peter Ralchev, cond. by Dimiter Trifonov, acc. by an orchestra. . . 2'40"
14. Bouchimish - perf. by Traicho Sinapov - accordion and Dimiter Paskov - clarinet (Mid-Western Bulgaria), arr. and cond. by Hristofor Radanov, acc. by an orchestra.. . 2'13"
15. Yavorovo Horo - perf. by the "Horo" Orchestra led by Vasil Purvanov (Central Northern Bulgaria), arr. and cond. by Vasil Purvanov... 2'21"
16. Kurdzhaliiska Ruchenitsa - perf. by the "Trakia" Folk Orchestra led by Ivo Papazov (Thrace), arr. and cond. by Dimiter Trifonov. . . 5'07"
17. Merry-Go-Round - perf. by Orchestra with the Bulgarian Television and Radio Folk Song Ensemble (North-Western Bulgaria), arr. by Anastas Naumov, cond. by Boyan Nankov... 2'15"
Total: 59'19"

Digital dubbing and editing: eng. Emil Todorov
Music editor: Lilyana Hristozova

The Bulgarian people's sense of music has carried over the ages complex rhythms and intonations. Our folk music is famous both for the drawn-out slow melodies and for the wild rhythms of the folk dance. What is the secret of its irresistible attractiveness and impact upon the listener? The main reason seems to be the originality of its rhythmical richness and metre. Characteristic of our folk music is a phenomenon, not so typical of the metro-rhythmic principles of West-European music: the asymmetric measures. This
melodist / 2018-07-08 23:41:33 / Редакция № 2: 2025-01-31 23:32:21
peculiarity has drawn the attention not only of Bulgarian but also of foreign folk-musie researchers, and the world famous composer and scholar Bela Bartok has called them ’Bulgarian rhythms".
The rhythm as a form of movement is closely related to the art of folk-dancing. Each rhythm of the folk melody is at the base of a certain horo with characteristic steps, dance movements, and a name. Among the favourite folk dances in asymmetric measures are the Ruchenitsa, Kopanitsa, Paidoushko Horo. In Mid-West Bulgaria the Gruncharsko (Potter’s) Horo and Bouchimish are often danced. The collection of Bulgarian rhythms will not be complete if we miss the Pravo Horo, Trite Pati (The Three Times), and Krivo Horo, typical of East Bulgaria. Their music is based on the 2/4 time, but is not rhythmically monotonous. On the contrary, the musicians are absolutely free to improvise and to fing original rhythms.
The folk-dance music attracts the instrumentalists with the opportunities it offers to show their skill, virtuosity and creative imagination. Apart from the players, representatives of traditional folklore, the pieces in the present release are performed by the most popular nowadays folk musicians and orchestras. They have replaced the old traditional instruments gaida (bagpipe), kaval and gadulka (rebec) by an accordion, clarinet, saxophone, and guitar, and have provided new development for folk music today. Their interesting ideas and experiments in adapting the instrumental performance to the new requirements of contemporary listeners have a lasting artistic value.
Natalia Rashkova, MA
melodist / 2025-01-31 23:27:58 / Редакция № 2: 2025-01-31 23:34:18
melodist / 2025-01-31 23:28:05
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