11 месеца
За сайта12 2 | 060060 1995 |
1. На мегдана (м. Кирил Стефанов) 6.37 2. Разболе се Дона (м. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Руска Стоименова, Мария Томова и Венета Цветкова 3.21 3. Какво е цвете цъфнало (м. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Василка Карадалиева 2.06 4. Писмо ти е дошло (м. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Елена Каракашева 3.19 5. Море, аресах си (обр. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Руска Стоименова 2.44 6. Мори, еж се жени (обр. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Татяна Сърбинска 1.46 7. На ти, моме, дзиври (м. Кирил Стефанов) 1.24 8. Ой, прошетал се Сандански (м. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Таня Костова и Елена Рахова 3.45 9. Алтън Маро (м. Кирил Стефанов) 1.39 10. Пролетни песни и игри от Пирина (м. Кирил Стефанов) 4.49 11. Що ма я сърце трогнало (обр. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Таня Костова 3.01 12. Върни се, лудо (м. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Руска Стоименова и Илия Аргиров 2.07 13. Питат ме, мамо, в село момите (м. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Руска Стоименова, Татяна Сърбинска, Катерина Костадинова, Венета Цветкова и Илия Аргиров 2.51 14. Кавали свирят (м. Кирил Стефанов) 3.17 15. Стига йодиш, Яне мори (м. Кирил Стефанов) 3.04 16. Я ти постилам шарени черги (м. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Руска Стоименова 2.38 17. Вила сей гора (м. Кирил Стефанов) - сол. Таня Костова и Силвия Симеонова 4.24 18. Пиринско хоро (м. Кирил Стефанов) 3.19 19. Гласът на Пирин (м. Кирил Стефанов, т. Емил Рупел) - сол. Руска Стоименова, Василка Карадалиева и Илия Аргиров 2.13 ДАНПТ "Пирин", гл. худ. рък. Кирил Стефанов Диригенти Стоян Стоянов (1, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12), Радко Иванов (2), Кирил Стефанов (3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19), Кирил Иванов (9), Людмила Димова (14) |
Na megdana - 6'37" ; Razbole se Dona - 3'21" ; Kakvo e tsvete tsufnalo - 2'06" ; Pismo ti e doshlo - 3'19" ; More, aresah si - 2'44"; More, ezh se zheni - 1'46" ; Na ti, mome, dzivri - 1'24" ; Oi, proshetal se Sandanski - 3'45"; Altun Maro - 1'39"; Spring Songs and Dances from the Pirin Mountains - 4'49" ; Shto ma ya surtse trognalo - 3'01" ; Vurni se, loudo - 2'07"; Pitat me, mamo, v selo momite - 2'51" ; Kavali sviryat - 3'17"; Stiga yodish, Yane mori - 3'04" ; Ya ti postilam shareni chergi - 2'38" ; Vila sei gora - 4'24"; Pirinsko Horo - 3'19"; Glasut na Pirin - 2'13". Total: 60'28" Music composed and arr. by Kiril Stefanov Chief Artistic Director and Conductor - Kiril Stefanov |
Founded in 1954 and having achieved a world-wide fame after its concerts in more than 50 countries all over the world, the Pirin Ensemble for Folk Songs and Dances maintains its prestige with artistic principles underlying the very core of its art, faithfulness to folk traditions — presence of talented creative artists, modern stage conceptions and realization. These determine the overall appearance of the Ensemble in shows which are essentially a synthesis of verse, music, dance, an original stage picture enhanced by the wonderful variegated national costumes and stylish designs. The Ensemble are after an indelible impression which reveals Bulgarian national spirit. Bulgarian view of the world, of the native land, of Bulgaria as a whole: the response of the audience shows that they have achieved it. Associate Professor Kiril Stefanov has been Pirin’s chief artistic director and conductor for more than 30 years now. An expert in conducting, in his work and in his large-scale compositions, he seeks that obligatory balance between authentic folk expression and highly professional technique which impress most in the art of the Ensemble. An author of more than 600 vocal compositions, Kiril Stefanov composes music which is deeply rooted in folk traditions, reflecting the immediate aspirations of the Bulgarian people today. Each sphere in the varied activities of the Pirin Ensemble is deeply marked by his creative personality. It is in inspiration and ardent love for everything Bulgarian, in artistry and warm sincerity, that the Pirin Ensemble remain forever faithful to their essential creed of revealing the Bulgarian soul to all. the pursuit of peaceful labour and creative life, of friendly communication. Lyudmila DIMOVA 1.Na megdana (In the Square) — soloist Nikola Kostov — zourna 2.Razbole se Dona (Dona Has Fallen Sick) — soloists Rouska Stoimenova, Maria Tomova and Veneta Tsvetkova 3.Kakvo e tsvete tsufnalo (What a Flower Has Blossomed) — soloist Vassilka Karadalieva 4.Pismo ti e doshlo (A Letter Has Come For You) — soloist Elena Karakasheva 5.More,arcsah si (Hey, I've Given My Heart) — perf. by Rouska Stoimenova 6.Mori, ezh se zheni (Hey, a Hedgehog Is Getting Married) — perf. by Tatyana Surbinska 7.Na ti, mome, dzivri (Take Those Slippers, Maiden) 8.Oi, proshetal se Sandanski (Hey, Sandanski Roamed About) — soloists Tanya Kostova and Elena Rahova 9.Altun Maro (Beautiful Mara) 10.Spring Songs and Dances from the Pirin Mountains 11.Shto ma ya surtse trognalo (It Touched Me to the Heart) — soloist Tanya Kostova 12.Vurni se, loudo (Come Back, Sweetheart) — soloists Rouska Stoimcnova and Ilia Argirov 13.Pitat me, mamo, v selo momite (The Village Maidens Are Asking Me, Mother) — soloists Rouska Stoimenova, Tatyana Surbinska, Katerina Kostadinova, Veneta Tsvetkova and Ilia Argirov 14.Kavali sviryat (Kavals Are Playing) 15.Stiga yodish, Yane mori (Stop Wandering About, Hey Yane) 16.Ya ti postilam shareni chergi (I’m Covering the Floor with Multi-Coloured Rugs for You) — soloist Rouska Stoimenova 17.Vila sei gora (A Forest Burst Out Into Leaves) — soloists Tanya Kostova and Sylvia Simeonova 18.Pirinsko Horo 19.Glasut na Pirin (The Voice of the Pirin Mountains) — soloists Rouska Stoimenova, Vassilka Karadalieva and Ilia Argirov Music composed and arranged by Kiril Stefanov Conductors: Kiril Stefanov, Stoyan Stoyanov, Lyudmila Dimova. Kiril Ivanov and Radko Ivanov |