Плочи от «Балкантон»
Виртуална клавиатура
Форматиране на текста
1. Concerto for orchestra (19:20)
2. Concerto for piano and orchestra (18:08)
3. Mankind-XX-th century (26:04): Hiroshima / Apocalypse / Song of the murdered volunteers' mothers / Dithyramb in honour of peace / Millions of men are being murdered / For peace

Ivan Spassov, piano (2nd work) ; Tiha Genova, soprano (3rd work) ; Semuel Behar, bass-baritone (3rd work) ; Bulgarian National Radio Mixed Choir (3rd work) ;
Symphony Orchestra Pazardjik ; Ivan Spassov (1st, 3rd works), Constantin Iliev (2nd work), conductors.
Recorded February 7, 1990 (1st work) and March 2, 1988 (3rd work),
Bulgarian National Radio, Sofia; the 2nd work recorded at Balkanton, Sofia, Bulgaria.